Defines Us and Mirror, Mirror. She’s working on a collection of horror short stories, The Thirteenth Hour, which is due for release on June 1st 2012. Her current writing project is a paranormal romance series under the working title “The Angel of Death Series”. Volume one will be entitled “Soul Thief”.
Mirror Mirror is a young adult novel about a girl named Piper. She has a love for antiques and so it is no surprise when she falls in love with an old mirror she finds in the attic of her new home. She places the mirror in her room only to soon find herself having nightmares and hearing strange voices.
I enjoyed the book but some parts did trip me up a bit. English is not Ms. Verstraete's first language so some turns of phrase I had to reread a few times. But that did not distract too much from my enjoyment of the book. There was enough going on that it left me wanting to read more to see what was going to happen. It was much more of an intelligent read than I was expecting. I also adore the cover since as many of you know I enjoy looking at the covers of books almost as much as I enjoy reading them. Over all I think the book was a great read and that anyone who is a fan of the YA paranormal genre will enjoy it. I would love to see a second book. I give the book 3 and half out of 5 stars.